Year-Round Sponsorships

Partner with Us

On behalf of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP), thank you to all our dedicated year-round sponsors listed below.

The ACSP sponsorship chart shows ACSP's four sponsor-levels (Association, Core, Patron, and Alliance) and the benefits associated with each category. 

For information about becoming an ACSP sponsor, please contact us at

For information about customizing a sponsorship that fits your specific needs, contact Donna Dodd,


 Year-Round Sponsorship Levels & Benefits  (2024-25)


All ACSP sponsorships are customizable according to what is important to our partnering organizations.
The year-round and conference benefits below are listed as the minimum provided at each cost level. Please contact us with your specific ideas!

View our Year-Round Sponsorship Comparison Chart >


 Sponsor Level Time Frame  Amount   Year-Round Benefits *  Annual Conference Benefits *

Association Sponsor

12-Month (Year-Round)$2500/year 
  1. Company designation as an Association Sponsor with company title, organization logo, 50-word company description, and link at the bottom of this web page.
  2. Inclusion of one article in the Featured News section of the eNewsletter (one per year)
  3. Inclusion of one link per month to an article posted on the company's web page. The link will be included in the Year-round Sponsor section of the weekly eNewsletter which is also linked to the ACSP web.
  4. Two free 30-day job postings
  5. New or renewal sponsor announcement of ACSP's appreciation via ACSP social media
  6. Organization logo and link on the scrolling banner at the bottom of the ACSP website's home page
  1. One (1) complimentary full conference registration
  2. Company designation as an Association Sponsor with company title and organization logo on conference print materials and signs.
  3. One (1) Event App Platform rotating digital banner ad
12-Month (Year-Round)$5000/year 
  1. Company designation as a Core Sponsor with company title, organization logo, 100-word paragraph and link at the bottom of this web page.
  2. Inclusion of two articles in the Featured News section of the eNewsletter in two separate weeks
  3. Inclusion of two links per month to articles posted on the company's web page. The links will be included in the Year-round Sponsor section of the weekly eNewsletter which is also linked to the ACSP web.
  4. Four free 30-day job postings
  5. New or renewal sponsor announcement of ACSP's appreciation via ACSP social media
  6. Organization logo and link on the scrolling banner at the bottom of the ACSP website's home page
  7. eNewsletter banner ad placement (two per year)
  8. ACSP web site home page rotating carousel banner ad placement (two per year for one month each)
  9. One (1) corporate email direct to the ACSP membership through ACSP channels (some distribution rules apply).
  1. Two (2) complimentary full conference registrations
  2. Company designation as a Core Sponsor with company title and organization logo on conference print materials and signs.
  3. One (1) event app platform rotating digital banner ad
  4. One (1) banner ad placement in conference daily email to all attendees
Patron Sponsor   12-Month (Year-Round) $7500/year  
  1. Company designation as a Patron Sponsor with company title, organization logo, 250-word paragraph and link at the bottom of this web page.
  2. Inclusion of three articles in the Featured News section of the eNewsletter in three separate weeks
  3. Inclusion of three links per month to articles posted on the company's web page. The links will be included in the Year-round Sponsor section of the weekly eNewsletter which is also linked to the ACSP web.
  4. Six free 30-day job postings
  5. New or renewal sponsor announcement of ACSP's appreciation via ACSP social media
  6. Organization logo and link on the scrolling banner at the bottom of the ACSP website's home page
  7. eNewsletter banner ad placement (four per year)
  8. ACSP web site home page rotating carousel banner ad placement (four per year for one month each)
  9. Two (2) corporate emails direct to the ACSP membership through ACSP channels (some distribution rules apply).
  1. Three (3) complimentary full conference registrations
  2. Company designation as a Patron Sponsor with company title and organization logo on conference print materials and signs.
  3. One (1) event app platform rotating digital banner ad
  4. Two (2) banner ad placements in subsequent daily event email to conference attendees
Alliance Sponsor 12-Month (Year-Round)$10,000+/year   
  1. Company designation as a Alliance Sponsor with company title, organization logo, 500-word paragraph and link at the bottom of this web page.
  2. Inclusion of five articles in the Featured News section of the eNewsletter in five separate weeks
  3. Inclusion of five links per month to articles posted on the company's web page. The links will be included in the Year-round Sponsor section of the weekly eNewsletter which is also linked to the ACSP web.
  4. Eight Free 30-day job postings
  5. New or renewal sponsor announcement via ACSP social media
  6. Organization logo and link on the scrolling banner at the bottom of the ACSP website's home page
  7. eNewsletter banner ad placement (six per year)
  8. ACSP web site home page rotating carousel banner ad placement (six per year for one month each)
  9.  Three (3) corporate emails direct to the ACSP membership through ACSP channels (some distribution rules apply).
  1. Four (4) complimentary conference registrations
  2. Company designation as an Alliance Sponsor with company title and organization logo on conference print materials and signs.
  3. One (1) event app platform rotating digital banner ad
  4. Three (3) banner ad placements in subsequent daily event email to conference attendees
     * All year-round benefits listed above are subject to change  * All conference benefits listed above are subject to change 



Current Year-Round Sponsors

Patron Sponsors: 



The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation is a private, nonpartisan foundation that works together with communities in education and entrepreneurship to create uncommon solutions and empower people to shape their futures and be successful. The Kauffman Foundation is based in Kansas City, Missouri, and uses its $2 billion in assets to collaboratively help people be self-sufficient, productive citizens. For more information, visit and connect with us on Twitter and Facebook.


Core Sponsors: 




The American Planning Association is an independent, not-for-profit educational organization that provides leadership in the development of vital communities. APA and its professional institute, the American Institute of Certified Planners, are dedicated to advancing the art, science and profession of good planning — physical, economic and social — so as to create communities that offer better choices for where and how people work and live. Members of APA help create communities of lasting value and encourage civic leaders, business interests and citizens to play a meaningful role in creating communities that enrich people's lives. APA has offices in Washington, D.C., and Chicago. For more information, visit



Sara Miller McCune founded SAGE Publishing in 1965 to support the dissemination of usable knowledge and educate a global community. SAGE is a leading international provider of innovative, high-quality content publishing more than 1000 journals and over 800 new books each year, spanning a wide range of subject areas. Our growing selection of library products includes archives, data, case studies and video. SAGE remains majority owned by our founder and after her lifetime will become owned by a charitable trust that secures the company’s continued independence.



The Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning promotes education, research, service and outreach in the United States and Canada and throughout the world by seeking to:

  • recognize diverse needs and interests in planning;
  • improve and enhance the accreditation process, and;
  • strengthen the role of planning education in colleges and universities through publications, conferences, and community engagement;
  • extend planning beyond the classroom into the world of practice.

Connect with Us

2910 Kerry Forest Parkway, D4-206 • Tallahassee, FL 32309