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ACSP Special Interest Groups

There are currently four designated special interest groups of the ACSP:

  1. Faculty Women's Interest Group (FWIG)
  2. Global Planning Educator's Interest Group (GPEIG)
  3. Queers & Trans in Planning Interest Group (QT-IG)
  4. Planners of Color Interest Group (POCIG)

Faculty and student members of the ACSP can join these groups and engage with like-minded colleagues by adding to forum discussions within the group, posting photos, adding calendar events and sharing news and research, etc. 

For full access to any of the special interest groups, please sign in. In order to respond to the forums at, you must have an account. Thanks!

FWIG seeks to encourage and support women faculty and graduate students in urban and regional planning as well as those conducting research and outreach on planning issues critical to women.

Click on the above link to access the Faculty Women's Interest Group (FWIG) home page.

 Registered Members

GPEIG’s mission is to enable planning educators and students to collaboratively share global perspectives in planning education and research.

Click on the above link to access the Global Planning Educator's Interest Group (GPEIG) home page.

 Registered Members

The mission of the POCIG is to advance the interests and concerns of people and communities of color within the planning academia and the profession.

Click on the above link to access the Planners of Color Interest Group (POCIG) home page.

 Registered Members

The special interest group was formed during the ACSP 2019 Annual Conference in Greenville, SC as Inclusion, but recently renamed as Queers & Trans in Planning (QT-IG). QT-IG requires openness to the intersectional nature of identity, acknowledging the different experiences of people along the lines of race, class, ethnicity, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, religion and life experience.

 Registered Members


The Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning promotes education, research, service and outreach in the United States and Canada and throughout the world by seeking to:

  • recognize diverse needs and interests in planning;
  • improve and enhance the accreditation process, and;
  • strengthen the role of planning education in colleges and universities through publications, conferences, and community engagement;
  • extend planning beyond the classroom into the world of practice.

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2910 Kerry Forest Parkway, D4-206 • Tallahassee, FL 32309